A grand gazebo went up this weekend, real skill and a couple of ladders made it amazingly fast work. Once it was up we were inspired to take some pictures in the garden. Here’s what else beckoned a photo. These vintage French bee skeps are transformed into garden art.
In honor of Bastille Day, the French holiday celebrated July 14, everything French in the shop is 15% off today and tomorrow! In 1789 troops and revolutionaries stormed the formidable medieval Bastille fortress, then in use to hold political prisoners. Though only seven prisoners were there when the Bastille was stormed, its existence was […]
Among the many lovely pieces we have gathered, there is one with a special story to share: The “Coroa” (Crown) commemorates Saint Queen Isabel and the feast of the Holy Spirit. Princess Elizabeth (Isabel) of Aragon, became the queen of King Dinis of Portugal. She was known for her religious devotion, compassion and service to the […]
Some of the vintage finds we brought to the Cottage from our road trip include these wonderful wool felt and mink hats from the WW2 era. Well-dressed ladies didn’t leave home without their hats and gloves!
We have marked nearly all inventory down 15% for this 4-day 4th of July celebration. We are making room for all the new treasures we brought home from our Midwest “Picking” trip. Here are some of the items now available at reduced prices: This antique wax figure of Jesus made its way from […]
15% off almost everything at the Cottage, to make room for all the new fantastic finds from our road trip through the Midwest. We’ll be open on the 4th, so stop in to look around. 3270 Cascade Blvd., Shasta Lake City, CA 96019 530-275-4457 Here’s a sneak peek at some of the fabulous finds: Cool painted […]
On our road trip through the Midwest we stopped at the Walnut Flea Market in Iowa and found great examples of creating something new from some of these great pieces which were once part of Victorian farm houses! We even bought a cool zinc-coated cupola (they call it a witch’s hat) to use for garden art. This is […]
This galvanized cupola came off of an old barn in Minnesota. It is 8 ft. tall! While picking in Iowa, we met Ken at the Walnut, Iowa Flea Market. He said he had 4 barns full of architectural salvage, so we drove North 2.5 hours to look… Here’s a peek into one of his barns, our […]
This was our first find, cool spindle railing from a Victorian home in Illinois. We are bringing home enough pieces to make 40+ ft. length. On our picking adventures we found this little gem! Yesterday’s best pick: a super cool antique storm cellar door from an old farm in Northern Missouri… Imagine if […]
These succulents are plastic (but you’d have to look to tell) and they hold up to the hot sun wonderfully. We have several varieties on sale now. This lovely vintage iron birdbath is a garden show-stopper, and popular with our fine-feathered friends!