Indulge Yourself this Saturday, August 21 from 11 to 3 Wander through the garden, smell the flowers, spend the afternoon shopping just for you… Get that item you’ve always wanted but couldn’t justify splurging like than on yourself… We’ll make it even easier by taking 15% off most items Come on out to the Cottage, […]
‘TIE ONE ON’ PARTY REVIEW Last Sunday Antique Cottage and Garden had the best live music! Retrofit, a classic R&R/Blues band which will open the 8th annual Shasta Blues Festival, played some great tunes for us all, even had some folks up and dancin’!! We had the most wonderful cake, white chocolate and raspberry, […]
Don an Apron and Join Us for an afternoon of great music & refreshments. Live Music from 2 – 4 pm. by Retrofit,( Games and prizes for: Most Romantic Apron, Funniest Apron and Most Earthy Apron. Special Guest: Joyce McCarthy Trade in your apron for $5 off an original Joyce McCarthy apron.
One day only, everything in the cottage and garden is 15% off Come and get that wonderful item you have been thinking or dreaming about. We will have refreshments and will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
We sold the French buffet so our living room is re-arrangedand awaiting your visit. Come and enjoy! It’s Spring at the Cottage! Come celebrate with us Saturday, March 20 for a jewelry show, plant sale and wine tasting! We will be featuring Kalinka Nelson, jewelry designer, and Bruce Miller, award winning wine maker from 12:00 pm […]