Pretty little music boxes

These unique little music boxes are sure to delight young and old with their colorful artwork and delicately-wrought mechanisms. They’re operated by turning a tiny crankshaft which rotates a music drum to produce well-known sweet little tunes!

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First Nations artistry

 All Native Americans made baskets, they were a big part of daily life in tribes across the country, with patterns and geometric designs named tree pattern, leaf pattern, mountain pattern, and so on. Prized secret basket-making techniques were handed down from mother to daughter. Basket-making materials were collected in Summer. Grass was used like embroidery thread, with […]

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Re-purposed jewelry

We love the artistic genius expressed in jewelry making. Especially the use and re-purposing of ordinary items to create new and interesting pieces of wearable art. Over the years we’ve carried the work of various artists at the Cottage, and the most recent of them is a collection of cross pendants made from antique nails, […]

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French beadwork pieces

French beading technique of the early 1900’s is famous for its intricate patters made with small glass beads and thin wire. This method was used to produce flowers to display singly or in bouquets, specially in winter when live flowers were unavailable. There was also a custom of creating elaborate beaded wreaths for special occasions, […]

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Fragrant soaps cheer the spirit

No concrete evidence exists as to where and when soap as we know it was first made or used. One account has it originating in Mt. Sapo, where remains of ash and animal sacrifices washed into the river and women noticed their clothes washed up cleaner wherever these substances accumulated. Soap-like material as well as […]

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We love Nativity scenes!

Cresche, (from old French) are the focal point of many Christmas displays. Whether they’re made of chalkware, silver or painted plaster, these holiday centerpieces are always a special part of traditional Christmas decorations.      

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