In 1836, Sorel in France took out the first of numerous patents for a process of coating steel by dipping it in molten zinc after first cleaning it. This method of rust prevention came to be known as ‘galvanizing‘.” Here is a peek of some of the lovely galvanized items we have at the shop. […]
Whether classical birdbaths and fountains, eclectic water feature decor, whimsical, bold or understated, you’ll find something in our garden to put some WOW into yours… stop in and get some inspiration!
In the Chinese calendar, 2017 is the year of the Rooster, or the Red Fire Chicken… At the Cottage there are some fine feathered friends to help celebrate!
Some of us had moms who kept their perfumes and lipstick and other essential items on lovely little mirror trays on their vanities or dressing tables. How fun it was to tinker around a bit with those glamorous lady things! In honor of the mirror tray, here’s a few of the beautiful variety available at […]
Gazing balls, mirror balls, or lawn globes are said to have originated during the 13th century created by artisan glass blowers in Venice. A beautiful addition to any garden, they were also believed to ward off evil, or bring good luck. Popular in Victorian England, they […]
We are well into the season, and if you live in the country or travel through the countryside you’re sure to see the frisky first signs of Spring: baby animals! These endearing little lambs are a favorite reminder of everything that comes with Spring: joy of renewal, much gentler weather. Long regarded as symbols of hope, tenderness […]
We love these antique French iron crosses circa the 1800’s! They are rare, heavy, and beautifully ornate made of solid cast iron. These crosses were commonly seen in the countryside of France, where they were used in small churches to mark graves, along roads, or as silent guardians of vineyards. They make a stunning addition to any garden, equally lovely […]
The “fleur-de-lis” (flower of the lily) is a stylized lily or lotus flower. Traditionally representing French royalty, this association arose from a legend that an angel gave Clovis, king of the Franks, a golden lily upon his conversion to Catholicism. In the twelfth century, one of the French monarchs began using the fleur-de-lis on his […]
To honor all the wonderful moms in our lives, all the women who inspire and nurture us, we invite you to come out to the Cottage and create some quality time with your special guest! Have some cider, or a cup of tea, relax in the garden… come see the wonderful blooms in all shapes, sizes and […]
French beading technique of the early 1900’s is famous for its intricate patters made with small glass beads and thin wire. This method was used to produce flowers to display singly or in bouquets, specially in winter when live flowers were unavailable. There was also a custom of creating elaborate beaded wreaths for special occasions, […]