Roses and Rust is the premier vintage extravaganza event this weekend

Roses and Rust is celebrating 7 years since it started out as an idea Bonnie and I had explored after looking into the various vintage markets we were acquainted with up and down the Pacific Northwest, and other parts of the country. She came in to my shop and we started planning in earnest, thinking we would start with a Fall Market. One of my sales girls, Lisa, thought there wouldn’t be enough time to pull it off… but we did, in three weeks time! That was the beginning of an adventure we’ve never regretted! We’ve been making new friends, bringing the best of vintage, re-purposed, “junk treasures” and everything in between all together in one fabulous venue for local shoppers, and it just gets better every time.

We do two shows a year, Spring and Fall. The Friday evening soiree, 4 pm to 8 is a big hit, and a nice way to get a first look at the wonderful displays, as well as getting a jump start on the shopping. Below are some of the vendors and a peek at some of the great stuff they’ve brought for this event. You don’t want to miss this event, we’ll see ya this evening, or tomorrow morning bright and early!



Chrystal of Gothic Rose Antiques is like me and loves to dress up taxidermy.  Her sales are exclusively at Antique Shows & Markets now since she retired from her store in Placerville.










Michael Kliebe and Tanis New always have delightful booths at our Market…Junkology is one of my personal favorite booths. They are Redding residents and have a space at Trends Vintage Marketplace & Co











Gilbert’s Country Antiques is another Roses and Rust regular, Michelle Gilbert (daughter in law) and Shawn Gilbert (mother in law) bring fabulous European goods to Roses & Rust and love to showcase them in unique ways.  “I want to demonstrate creative ways to use these baskets so people can steal ideas from me” says Michelle. They come all the way from Napa and have never missed a R & R market since the beginning…the Fall of 2010! They’ve got some great stuff to sell this weekend.





















Nathan Wood, another participant in this year’s Roses and Rust Vintage Market told us he found this collection of wrenches at a barn sale, and thought he could make something with them… so he created a cool table top, with the wrenches nestled under resin, making it not just beautiful but user friendly!





















Pam Wood of Farmhouse Chic is a lifelong barn picker.  She has opened 3 antique malls and 3 little shops and been involved with all the local shows plus Oregon shows.










Her next adventure after this Market is her very first Vintage Holiday Boutique Nov. 16, 17, & 18 at her home in Palo Cedro.








Diana Greenwood of Story Teller, makes amazing signs like this sweet little banner.











Sherry from Rebel Girl Metals hunts down recycled metal and finds artists to make decor out of the found metals.  She is quite a picker….Sherry, Trish & Diana are the 3 Chic Pix!












This is Byrd Barns’ display. Mel & Trish Simpson make these adorable bird houses from all recycled material.  Mel, a retired teacher does the structures and Trish paints and decorates. Sherry, Trish & Diana Greenwood call themselves the 3 Chic pix.

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