Great plants to put in now!

This new shorter-stature “Butterfly Bush” only gets 5-6′ tall and is much easier to place in most gardens than the larger varieties.  Want humming birds and butterflies in your garden?  This is a favorite of theirs and it has a long blooming time (June to October) It can take our low water restrictions in California; […]

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Delight for Dinner

Our Progressive dinner fundraiser was delightfully fun and the food was amazing!   Thank you to everyone who supported the fundraiser, which also include A & R Meats, Savory Spoon, Julie Diamond, and Ron Anderson.  You all made a difference!

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Français Fantastique

Get your tickets now for the Français Fantastique Progressive Dinner Fundraiser, a fabulous French-inspired meal served Saturday, March 22, 2014, from 5:30 to 9 pm. This fundraiser will make a deserving someone’s “dream-come-true” Provence Tour possible.   Now accepting applications for the Provence Tour Scholarship, For more information contact Lynni at the Cottage: 530-275-4451

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Yuccalicious mural!

The entrance to Shasta Lake City boasts a beautiful new mural and landscaping, thanks to a joint effort between the city and the Shasta Lake Garden Project. Landscape artist Lynni Miller used rare species to complement the new mural, among them the Yucca Filamentosa ‘Colorguard.’ This exotic plant has tufts of yellow centered foliage and […]

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